Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
The CDBG program provides Sandy Township with a grant entitlement to conduct qualifying projects within the community. These projects need to primarily show a benefit to low/moderate income persons and are generally used for long-term community needs involving housing, economic development, and infrastructure. CDBG funds may be used to buy, construct, or rehabilitate public facilities such as water and sewer systems. They can also be used for certain Americans with Disability Act updgrades to public facilities. Sandy Township must spend at least 70 percent of their funds for activities that principally benefit low- and moderate-income persons.
In 2022, Sandy Township plans to utilize funding to construct a sanitary sewer extension on Platt Road. The Township also plans to demolish several dilapidated structures.
As part of administering the CDBG program, the Township has developed numerous policies. Below you can find links to our policies, public notices, and general project information.
CDBG Projects
In 2023 the Township will be conducting a sanitary sewer extension on Platt Road with CDBG Funds. Additionally, the Township will be demolishing dilapidated structures with CDBG funding.