*Please note that Sandy Township is no longer providing sewer credits for the filling of pools. PA DEP requires discharge of pool water to a sanitary sewer system if it is available (Link)
Sewer Quality
Public health is always the upmost concern when dealing with sewer wastewater. Regular testing is done on the sewer system and sewage treatment plant to ensure that there are no contaminates that could harm public health, either here or downstream, escaping the treatment system.
Our sewer department consists of a class “D” rated sewage treatment plant servicing the I-80 exit 97 area, 5 sewage pumping stations, a 24/7 flow monitoring “flume,” and 24.7 miles of sewer lines.
Each month, the township’s plant operator is required by PA DEP to submit a report of the daily and weekly samples that are required at the sewage treatment plant. The results of these reports are available to you online at www.dep.state.pa.us/edmrdata. You can look up the results for any treatment plant within Pennsylvania that reports via the EDMR system. The list can be quite long to sort through, but scrolling down to Sandy Township, Clearfield County (PA0101290) and choosing the time frame that you want results from will get you our results back to Sept. 1, 2008 when we enrolled into the program. This website updates each month after the newest report is submitted.
In Sandy Township, we strive to provide the most effective sewage treatment possible.
Call the public works director at (814)-371-4220 or fill out a form with any sewer issues that you may have. For billing issues, contact the water/sewer billing department.
Water Quality
Public health is always the upmost concern when dealing with drinking water. Regular testing is done on the water system. Our testing schedule is laid out by the Pennsylvania DEP and the Federal EPA. The water department is constantly monitoring water usage among the various entry points in the distribution system. When an overage is detected, the crew is out locating and fixing the problem. This prevents not only loss, but protects public health as well. Usually the problems are fixed without any interruption of service to the customer.
Our water department consists of a water pumping station, a water storage tank, multiple home meters, all of our various entry point master meters, and 22 miles of water lines.
Each year, the township releases a consumer confidence report to show if violations have occurred with the drinking water system. Our latest consumer confidence report was released in January 2023, covering the sampling performed in the previous year: Download it here.
On July 6, 2022, Sandy Township conducted monitoring of lead and copper within residential service lines on our water distribution area. No results were found to be above the action levels. If you participated in the sampling for this water test, you will have received a letter in the mail along with your sample results. A sample of the letter sent out can be found HERE. (Sampling for this will occur again in summer 2025.)
For real-time updates on the quality of your water visit, the Drinking Water Reporting System, hosted by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. There you can search for test results, inventory, and violations dating back 5 years.
In Sandy Township, we strive to provide the best water service possible.
Email or phone the public works director at (814)-371-4220 with any water issues that you may have.
For billing issues, contact the water/sewer billing department.