Meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 3:00pm. All agenda items and plans must be submitted NO LATER THAN 12PM ten business days in advance of the regular scheduled meeting. The Planning Commission consists of 5 residents who serve as volunteers appointed by the Board of Supervisors for staggered terms of 4 years. The functions of the commission are to review subdivisions, land development, and lot line changes, and to make recommendations on those to the Board of Supervisors. As a guide in such a review the following are used: Comprehensive Plan, which is a long range general statement of the amount, intensity, and character of land use; Zoning Ordinance, which is a precise short range, legally binding regulation on property use; Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, which provides for the coordination of design and construction of streets, storm water drainage, sewers, and utilities. It includes protective requirements for the health and welfare of Sandy Township’s citizens.
The commission is comprised of 5 members. The current commission members are:
- Dan Corbet, Chairman
- John Horten, Vice Chairman
- Vacant
- Bob Buriak
- Bob Fleck